Tuesday, September 11, 2012

You want to write about the in-betweens to make sense of your non-decision, of the particular brand of clutter it has wrought upon your extraordinarily predictable life. You want to tidy these things up because you are ordinarily...well, fastidious. You want things to make sense. To have some kind of order. And not choosing...well, it just doesn't. So you want to write about it. Because when you do, it will seem to matter. You will seem to have made some kind of choice. You will seem to have some kind of life.


  1. this is why so much process philosophy appears to me... it focuses on the not yet, on the in-between, on the almost potential... which in philosophy is radical, but in real life, more like an excuse to never have the courage to acknowledge and take responsibility for your decisions.

  2. So true. In real life, inaction=ineffectuality=suckiness. But in physics/philosophy, there is so much charge in that in-between, the not-yet. Anything is possible and the future is yet to be determined. That damn cat again ugh.
